Chennai: Lashing out at DMK chief M. Karunanidhi for questioning her on the Union HRD ministry’s model school initiative, chief minister J. Jayalalithaa charged him with maintaining ‘double standards” on the issue. Having granted permission and expressed his support as chief minister then, Karunanidhi was now opposing the same only to gain some political mileage, she said.
She claimed that he had kept mum when the Centre’s Rashtriya Vidyalaya Scheme was introduced when he was chief minister “for his personal gains” and supported the move. Now, he raised a banner of protest by issuing a statement, reflecting his double standards.
His recent statement on the issue surprises one as whether he was indulging in such tactics because he is confused as to whom he should align with in the next Lok Sabha elections, particularly when Congress has not taken a right decision on the Sri Lankan Tamils issue, Jayalalithaa said.
The Centre began work to implement Model School Scheme in 2007 to set up 6,000 model schools through state governments’ efforts in educationally backward districts. The state cabinet, which discussed it on July 22, 2009 approved establishing 20 model schools with Centre’s assistance, at a cost of `75.40 crore, she said.
The medium of education is only English and there was an entrance test for students to enrol in these schools, she said and asked Karunanidhi to explain why he kept quiet then and was raking it up now
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